One-way secured Live Video Streaming designed for First Contact

Emerstream introduces the latest technological advances to the emergency services. Harnessing the latest web technology, we're supporting first responders to best serve their communities using live video streaming solutions to improve victim satisfaction, increase crew safety and achieve best evidence in support of prosecutions.

Supporting First Contact and first responders

How does Emerstream work?

Emerstream uses the latest advances in web browser technology, specifically WebRTC, to create a connection between a caller's mobile phone camera and the call handler's browser.
No additional software or hardware is required.

Initiating a stream

After ensuring the caller is using a smart phone with a camera, call handlers enter a mobile phone number into the Emerstream Dashboard.
We'll send them a text message containing a secure, and unique link. 
Clicking this link opens their phone camera and asks for permission for Emerstream to access their devices (which includes their location). On acceptance, the caller will see exactly what they are transmitting back to the call handler.

Capture and locate

The incident being reported is displayed in real-time with a sub one second latency. Built in speech-to-text displays spoken words on the call handler's screen. Real-time location information is plotted onto a map alongside the footage. First responder locations can also be plotted on the map if required.

Ending the stream

The stream can be ended by either the call hander or the caller (for privacy reasons). The stream can be optionally recorded and stored for further playback, audit or evidential reasons.
Speech-to-text and location information is also stored in a bespoke Digital Evidence Management System (DEMS).

Multicam support

Major incidents can sometimes attact numerous calls from different informants, each offering a different perspective. They also all offer a different view point for the incident. Display multiple (but completely separate) mobile camera streams side-by-side for an all-round view.

How do we support your customers?

Giving them an opportunity to help you.

Emerstream aims to make our streets safer and can even save a life. Our emergency services have to make critical decisions, which can have profound effects and live streamed footage can play a vital role in this process.
It allows first responders to arrive prepared, and maintain safety not only for the public, but for themselves.

Privacy is important to us

Only limited information is stored and retained by Emerstream in order to provide the service. This information includes any subsequent recording, GPS data, and the contact number for the caller.

Giving callers control

Callers retain control over the video stream they supply, although any subsequent recordings become property of the receiving organisation.
They are able to disconnect at any time, disallowing any further access to their device.

Security is our priority

The nature of what we do means that security is a key concern.

Nobody outside of the stream-initiating organisation can access the live stream without it being explicitly shared. Recordings are encrypted and secured with strict access control and audit trails.